Listening to WebEx Recordings

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Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2012-04-01 11:40
Listening to WebEx Recordings

For the last eight years we have used the WebEx online conferencing system. Recordings of the sessions are in a proprietary WebEx format (.arf – Advanced Recording Format). In most cases clicking on a WebEx recording link allows you to download the .arf file, usually about 200Mb. You will then need to download and install the WebEx Network Recorder Player to actually play these files. Instructions for downloading the Player can be found here.  (…or go to the “Public Navigation” left sidebar menu and click on “Webex Information”, then use the links in the second paragraph, “Listening to WebEx Recordings”).

Once you’ve installed the WebEx Network Recorder Player it works like any other application. You can either launch the player and then open a .arf file, or start by double clicking a .arf file, and it will automatically launch the player application and start playing the file you selected.

Please be aware that most of the recordings are only available to logged in participants.elected.